Day 1 Website

Hello, My name is Emerson

My top 5 favorite things to do:

  1. Watching anime
  2. Reading books
  3. Playing video games
  4. playing basketball
  5. hanging out with my friends

(A picture of one of my favorite anime)

One Piece Wano art illustration

The things I want to accomplish in this life are:

  • finish all the novel that interest me
  • have a sucessful career
  • Graduate College
  • Finish all the anime that interest me


I was born in China and I live there until I was third grade. In 3rd grade I came to the United States. My hobbies are reading novels, watching anime, playing video games and hanging out with my friends. I just finish 10th grades and going to 11th grades in the fall in George Washington High School. I was introduce to Code Tenderloin by being a Opportunity for All (OFA) intern. I wish to build a connection and improve my computer science this summer by being an intern.